Enabling Change
How to Create a Video of Next Generation Learning in Action

Next generation learning is all about everyone in the system—from students through teachers to policymakers—taking charge of their own learning, development, and work. That doesn’t happen by forcing change through mandates and compliance. It happens by creating the environment and the equity of opportunity for everyone in the system to do their best possible work.
Why not share through images and a storyline what you are doing with next generation learning?
What does next generation learning look like? What innovative technologies and educational models make next generation learning possible? A series of videos called Profiles of Next Generation Learning—an effort to answer these questions—was a joint production of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Next Generation Learning Challenges. You can watch each video on Vimeo.
The Profiles of Next Generation Learning videos captured the work of innovators who received funding from NGLC and the Gates Foundation, showcasing how their innovations were developed and how they work. Each video is compelling in and of itself. And we have two ideas to get an even deeper perspective about what next generation learning looks like and what makes it possible:
- Encourage others who are developing and using next generation learning tools and models to create their own videos.
- View the videos in the series as a complete set.
Create Your Own Video
Why not share through images and a storyline what you are doing with next generation learning? As an educator or ed tech developer, you may want to tell your story but don’t know how—and don’t have lots of time to figure it out. To help you, we produced a final video to the series which provides you with a map to telling your story most effectively. Watch it here:
This “how-to” video offers great advice: Create an elevator pitch. Show students and instructors using your new technology, your new model, or your new pathways to student success. Avoid Edu-Jargon! Ask the same questions when interviewing key players.
We hope you’ll share your video with us and add to our collective understanding of what next generation learning looks like. As the video concludes, “We can’t wait to see what’s happening in next generation learning!”
View the Videos as a Complete Set
I use the word “view” deliberately because of its two meanings: to physically see and to conceptually consider. I think it’s worth seeing the individual videos as pieces of a whole, that when viewed together, add up to make a statement about next generation learning. That is, next generation learning is about people first and technology and new ways of educating second. And when you watch all of the videos together, you get a better sense of the scope of next generation learning innovations: from a cloud-based replacement to the traditional college textbook in BioBook: Making Biology Accessible to a school that prepares students for the 21st century in Touchstone: Re-inventing What School Looks Like. When you can actually see this kind of learning in action, evident in so many different contexts, it’s easier to get at the essence of how next gen learning is different and what it takes to make it possible.
Watch Next Generation Learning in Action
View the Profiles of Next Generation Learning videos on Vimeo.
- iCivics: Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century
- NROC: The National Repository of Online Courses
- Open Learning Initiative
- Quest Atlantis: Learning Through Transformational Play
- Thinkwell: Reinventing the Textbook for the 21st Century
- Touchstone Education: Reinventing What School Looks Like