Professional Learning
NGLC again offers Mass Learning Excursions for Massachusetts educators

Educators are the lead learners in schools. If they are to enable powerful, authentic, deep learning among their students, they need to live that kind of learning and professional culture themselves. When everyone is part of that experiential through-line, that’s when next generation learning thrives.
Applications are now available for the 2019-20 Mass Learning Excursions.
[Update: Applications closed August 30, 2010]
Have you ever paused in the middle of the school day and wondered, there’s got to be a better way?
Have you ever become frustrated by tweaking around the edges of your school’s learning design and seeing only minor improvements in your students’ learning and growth?
Are you hearing the hype about disappearing jobs, artificial intelligence, and globalization, and wondering what it means for your students?
Are you looking to up your game in project-based learning, personalized learning, student engagement, or social-emotional learning?
Next Generation Learning Challenges and the Barr Foundation invite Massachusetts-based public school teams to apply to participate in an immersive exploration of innovative schools that have redesigned their entire learning models in answer to the questions above.
The 2019–2020 Mass Learning Excursions include three trips to Chicago, San Diego, and Washington, D.C. The schools, many of which received funding from NGLC, are bold pioneers in whole-school next gen learning: each demonstrating a different combination of student-centered, personalized, competency-based, equitable, experiential and authentic, technology-enabled learning, all of them designed to lead to a broad and deep set of learning outcomes.
Past learning excursion participants describe how they value the experience.
These trips are not your typical site visit school tour. They are opportunities to examine practice, connect with innovators—teachers, school leaders, and students—and explore ways to bring inspiring new ideas to your school. They are learning-focused.
So pause from daily life, become a learner yourself, and begin your journey.
Applications are due Friday, August 30, 2019. A stipend and some meals are provided.
2019–2020 Excursions
- October 21-23, 2019: Chicago Learning Excursion @ Intrinsic Schools, Chicago Tech Academy, Disney II Magnet HS, and Robert Lindblom Math & Science Academy HS
- December 3-5, 2019: San Diego Learning Excursion @ High Tech High, Del Lago Academy, Vista Unified School District, and Mission Vista HS
- March 2-4, 2019: Washington, D.C. Learning Excursion @ Washington Leadership Academy, Two Rivers Public Charter School, E.L. Haynes HS, Columbia Heights Educational Campus, and The Next Step Public Charter School
The program also includes a kick-off event and Learning Showcase. Learn more about the school host sites for each learning excursion and access the application from the Mass Learning Excursion Overview.