Professional Learning
NGLC joins effort to launch new Learning Commons, advance teacher professional learning

Educators are the lead learners in schools. If they are to enable powerful, authentic, deep learning among their students, they need to live that kind of learning and professional culture themselves. When everyone is part of that experiential through-line, that’s when next generation learning thrives.
Take charge of your professional learning in this shared space containing free, high-quality content from trusted experts.
Today, The Learning Accelerator and Yet Analytics announced the launch of the Learning Commons. The commons is a shared space for educators to discover high-quality professional learning resources from experts and educators in next gen, blended, and personalized learning. NGLC is a founding partner and we are excited to join the effort to coordinate across the landscape of professional learning content providers to create this one-stop-shop for forward-leaning educators.
Launch trailer for the Learning Commons
“Organizations across the field are developing terrific, high-quality resources to help educators make the shift to blended and personalized learning, but practitioners need more help finding those resources,” said TLA CEO Beth Rabbitt in the press release. “The Learning Commons is a shared online space where educators, teachers, designers, and leaders can discover, save, and share ideas, tools, and open content curated by a wide range of experts.”
Find great content, create playlists to develop your skills and knowledge, share your finds with colleagues. Visit the Learning Commons today.

Top photo by Margaret Roth, Yet Analytics, CC-BY 4.0