Professional Learning
Professional Learning

Educators are the lead learners in schools. If they are to enable powerful, authentic, deep learning among their students, they need to live that kind of learning and professional culture themselves. When everyone is part of that experiential through-line, that’s when next generation learning thrives.

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Explore next gen learning with the NGLC community at the iNACOL Symposium

Innovative educators are heading to Palm Springs in California for the annual iNACOL Symposium next week, October 28-31, 2019. The theme for this year’s symposium is “Shining a Light on the Future of Learning” and we invite you to join the NGLC community of grantees, partners, and friends to shine a light on next gen learning: what learners need to thrive in the 21st century. Follow #NGLCchat and #iNACOL19 and check out these sessions. Let’s shine brighter together!

Realizing the Future of Professional Learning

Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Amanda Avallone, Carisa Corrow, Elizabeth Vincent, Meaghan Foster, Nasue Nishida, Sydney Schaef

This workshop engages you in defining your community’s future of professional learning. You’ll hear from schools, districts, and PD providers implementing innovative professional learning models, then apply your learning by playing an interactive game designing a next gen professional learning experience. When you leave the session, you’ll have a prototype and a toolkit of resources you can use to jumpstart professional learning in your context.

Transformation Science: The Emerging Practice of Next Generation Change Management and Its Role in the Reimagining of America’s Public Schools

Wednesday, 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Andrew Calkins, Matt Doyle

Improvement science provides a measured approach to solving a user-defined problem of practice. But what if your problem statement is: Nearly Everything Needs Reimagining? Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) is drawing from myriad sources & research—from Wheatley, Baldrige, Kotter, and Pink to some of the nation’s leading exemplars of district-wide change—to establish a new, urgently needed discipline: transformation science, and what it looks like in a district and community context.

What Is Our Why? A Collaboration between Students and the Community to Co-Design a Shared Vision of Learning

Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Jonathan Vander Els, Tony Siddall

Too often, schools and districts undertake the process of change without fully understanding the “why” and without the full engagement of their local community. Jonathan Vander Els and Tony Siddall will share their experience with a new Assessment for Learning Project (ALP) they have been involved in with a New Hampshire district aimed at amplifying the voices of students and community members through a process of shared learning and understanding about culture, community, and what learning looks like today.

reception invitation

Please join the reception hosted by NGLC, KnowledgeWorks, and Education Reimagined!

And more...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

The First 90 Days of Innovation: An Interactive Discussion on the Elements of a Successful Innovation Launch
Jeffrey Tsang, Karen Perry

10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Are Your Students Really Thinking? Creating Assessments of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Jeff Heyck-Williams, Kathryn Mancino, Meghan Sanchez

Assessing the Learning Environment: Story-Catching and Constellating Practices
Cheryl Lupenui, Kau’ilani Snag, Puni Jackson

Building Understanding of Competency Education and Changing Grading Practices
Thomas Gaffey, Sandra Moumoutjis

Designing a Constellation to Guide Your Personalized Learning Mission
Brenda Vogds, Dria Wetter, Eric Hill, Kate Sommerville

From Fragmentation to Coherence: Exploring Integration in Systems Transformation
Cristina Munoz, Haily Korman, LaVerne Srinivasan, Molly McMahon, Rachel Lopkin

It’s Time to Talk about Race and Education Innovation
Virgel Hammonds, Julianna Charles

Share Your Story, Empower Your Community, Build Your Brand
Nicole Assisi and Shelli Kurth, Community of Innovative Practice (CIP)

Innovative Schools Depend on Innovative Talent Systems: How Equity and Personalized Professional Support Fuel Adult Potential at Brooklyn LAB
Anisa Phillip, Eric Tucker, Everick Simmons, Shelley Pinks, Tyler Telford

Why Interoperability Matters: A Superintendent’s Perspective
Eric Tucker, Erin Mote, David Miyashiro, Caroline Vander Ark

2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Featured Session: Create a District Ecosystem for Innovation: Accelerate Innovation in Schools through the Purposeful Redesign and Alignment of Key District Functions
Aaryn Schmuhl, Jeffrey Tsang, Karen Perry

Featured Session: Powering Children’s Potential: Transforming Schools through Learning Science
Pamela Cantor, M.D.

Launching and Scaling Innovation through New Approaches to System Leadership: Engage with the Center for Innovation in Education (C!E) Innovation Practice Framework for System Leaders
Dan French, Gretchen Morgan, Paul Leather, Tony Monfiletto

Putting Students in the Driver’s Seat: Student-Led Conferences
Antoinette Smith Guyton, Jeff Heyck-Williams

Return of the Lady Boss: Female Leaders in Education Entrepreneurship
Beth Rabbitt, Erin Mote, Leona Christy, Mary Jo Madda, Margarita Florez

Sharing Stories of Innovation: Empowering Key Stakeholders as Spokespeople in Schools, Organizations, and Districts
Angela Duffy, Diana Lebeaux, Emily Sienkiewicz, Luke Bauer

Start an Innovative School and Get Funded
Antonio Tapia, New Schools Venture Fund

The Future Now Is Kettle Moraine: Learning Competencies not Learning Standards
Laura Dahm, Kevin Erickson, Theresa Ewald, David Tong, Eric Moore, Kathering Bihr, Kettle Moraine School District

Turning High School on its Head: A Discussion with Leaders of New Career and Technical Education
Georgia Heyward, Gretchen Morgan

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

6 in 60: Hear from 6 Organizations as They Share Key Highlights of Their High Leverage Practices
Waukesha STEM, Kettle Moraine, Pewaukee, Edina, Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton, Farmington, Brenda Vogds

Competency-Based High School Redesign: Common Pitfalls and How to Plan for Them
Brent Johnston, Chip Linehan, Felice Hybert, Sandra Moumoutjis

Featured Session: Teacher Onboarding for Next-Gen Models: Innovative Strategies from Innovative Leaders
Amalia Lopez, Juliana Finegan, Karen Perry, Kristen Watkins, Stephen Pham, Jin-Soo Huh

Moving Beyond GPA: How Competency-Based Schools Are Using the Mastery Transcript to Drive Equity and Engagement
Stacy Caldwell, Mike Flanagan, Patricia Russell

Moving to Competency-Based Learning: Practical Approaches and Lessons Learned
Christy Kingham, Elina Alayeva

Portfolios, Capstones, and More Inclusive Assessment Practices: The Result of Colorado’s Flexible Graduation Guidelines
Amy Spicer, Jennifer Vaniwarden, Megan Clasby, Samantha Olson, Scott Bain

The Potential of Whole Child Personalization: Connecting the Dots between Science, Practice, and Technology for Each and Every Learner
Dr. Pamela Cantor, Dan Cogan-Drew, Dr. Gisele C. Shorter, Vic Vuchic

Transforming an Education System from the Ground Up: Start with Local Innovation, Build Capacity, Network the Leaders, then Spread the Work
Gwen Warniment, Tony Monfiletto

Unpacking the Equation: Mindsets + Continuous Improvement + (Defined) Autonomy = Systems Transformation
Alex Carter, Derek, Rebecca Midles

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Designing Districts for Diffusion—Piloting a Theory of Change to Facilitate and Scale Innovation Systemwide
Betheny Gross, Nicole Ottmer, Samatha Olson

Reaching Every Student: From Vision to Reality
Andy Golden, Summit Learning

10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Building Understanding of Competency Education and Changing Grading Practices
Thomas Gaffey

Featured Session: What Are We Aiming For? Exploring Outcomes and Assessment in Learner-Centered Education
Alin Bennett, Michelle Culber, Marcus Wade-Prince, Trace Pickering, Ulcca Joshi Hansen

Featured Session: Launching Your Own Learner-Centered System: How the Lindsay Unified School System Is Creating the Ideal Learning Experience and Steps You Can Take Towards Transforming Your Own System
Bernadette Shelton, Brian Griffin, Cindy Alonzo, Hjoel Martinez-Dominguez, Lana Brown

Student Agency in Steps: Design a Student-Driven Unit of Learning Using “Mastery Maps”
Erica Warren and Jeffrey Tsang, Henry County Schools

The Building Blocks of a Competency-Based Model
Christy Kingham, Sandra Moumoutjis

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Implementing Competency Pathways for Career Readiness
Carrie McWilliams, Mark Kostin

Is Advanced Placement the New Assessment for Learning? Navigating the Creative Tension between Mastery of College Ready Rigor and Personalization
Anthony Barela, Erick Tucker, Joey Webb, Stacy Kane

Preparing Learners for an Uncertain Future of Work: Building Portraits of a Graduate to Drive Personalized, Competency-Based Learning
Ann Ellefson, Cory Steiner, Beth Slette, Jason Swanson, Valerie Greenhill

2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Building an “Unlearning” Culture to Support Next Generation Learning
Barbara Treacy

Organizational Survival: How Does an Organization Survive and Thrive through an Ever-Changing Education Landscape?
Andrew Frishman, Beth Rabbitt, Helayne Jones, Malika Ali, Molly O’Donnell, Phyllis Lockett

Sustaining a Breakthrough Model: Case Studies for Innovation that Lasts
Amy Dodson, Beth Rabbitt, Scott Milam, Sujata Bhatt

Transforming Regional Communities into Equitable Learning Ecosystems
Betheny Gross, Matt Bowman, Josh Shachter, Selamawit Gebre, Stephanie Lewis

Transforming Teacher Learning: Micro-Credentials, Performance Assessment, and Professional Learning Systems in Louisville, KY
Alan Young, Emily Sienkiewicz, Gary Chapin, Robin Ratliff, Soraya Ramos

Uncompromisingly Learner-Centered: Steps Lindsay Unified School District Took to Maximize Effectiveness Between the School Board and District Leadership
Alex Flores, Jean Miller, Perla Soria, Robwert Hurtado, Tom Rooney, Vahnn Blue

What Does a Super School Look Like in Practice? Establishing a Vision for Quality and Excellence
Elina Alayeva, Mary Ryerse, Sean McClung

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

A View from the Canopy: National Trends in School Innovation and Redesign
Britt Neuhaus, Chelsea Waite, Jim Campbell, Kimberly Smith

Big Thinking through Systems Building
May Mark, Natalie Gould, Scott Bess, Jeremy Berman

Collaboration, Not Competition: Education Innovation through Communities of Innovative Practice
Anirban Bhattacharyya, Chris Liang-Vergara, Ellen Dorr, Jeanne Chang, Nithi Thomas, Jin-Soo Huh

Designing the Systemic Implementation of Personalized Learning: How LIndsay Unified School District Is Using Personalized Learning Look-Fors and Conditions to Create the Ideal Learning Experience
Amalia Lopez, Cinnamon Scheufele, George Tapanes

Letting Research Light the Way for Transformative Practices
Ann Hadwen, Ellen Hume-Howard, Felicia Sullivan, Kathy White

Model Providers: A Pathway to Scaling Meaningful School Transformation
Leo Bialis-White, Scott Benson

Students ARE the Stakeholders: The Virginia Network Improvement Community’s Approach to Student-Led Assessment
Beth Blankenship, Julie Myers, Shannon King, Andrea Hand, Michelle Taylor

Systems Transformation and Innovation: How One School District Partnered with Catalyst@PennGSE to Spark Innovative Solutions for School Success Planning
Jenny Zapf, Michael Golden, Matthew Burrows, Serrano Legrand

We Want In: Embracing Equity and Inclusion in Deeper Learning Policies and Practices
Ace Parsi, Lydia Dobyns

Thursday, October 31, 2019

8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Developing Teacher Leaders
Tamara Rose, Vivan Price, Kenia Hernandez

Practicing What We Preach: Engaging Educators and Educator Competencies to Support Shifts to Personalized, Learner-Centered Education
Anne Bowles, Ryan MacDonald, Rebecca Wolfe

The 21st Century Internship: Designing at the Intersection of the Future of Work and the Future of Learning
Kate Dresher, Jim Stephens

Working across Boundaries: Learners Benefit when Districts, Charters, Non-Profits, and Privates Work Together—So How Can We Do It More?
Caitlyn Scales, Nikolaus Namba, Sujata Bhatt, Trace Pickering

We know you’ll find great opportunities to learn and collaborate at these next gen learning sessions. In case we unintentionally missed the opportunity to share a session or two, please see the full list on the iNACOL Symposium website.

We can’t wait to see you in Palm Springs!

Photo at top by David Mark.

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Next Generation Learning Challenges

A dedicated team moving the mission of NGLC forward, helping to bring next gen learning to today’s students.