Explore a variety of perspectives on The Portrait of a Graduate in Practice!
Student Work Showcasing Portrait of a Graduate Competencies
These examples of student work that develop and demonstrate graduate portrait skills come from NGLC’s Portrait of a Graduate in Practice stories. The five sites are specifically and intentionally designing opportunities for learners to develop the competencies in their graduate portraits. See what students do when schools move from portrait to practice.
Teaching Portrait of a Graduate Skills
What is it like for teachers when their school district adopts a Portrait of a Graduate? The Portrait in Practice teachers featured in this article are rethinking the purpose of school and learning as they make sure that all students have high-quality learning experiences to develop the competencies in their graduate portrait. Find out how teachers are changing their role, mindset, and instructional practices to help their students develop graduate portrait skills.
Developing Portrait of a Graduate Skills from Elementary School to High School Graduation (and Beyond)
The Portrait in Practice school communities are using their graduate portraits to redesign learning in elementary school and middle school as well as high school. They are starting in preschool and kindergarten to support the development of graduate portrait skills. And they are creating tools like grade-level indicators, progressions, and instructional look-fors to help.

Portrait of a Graduate: A Gateway to Competency-Based Learning
This CompetencyWorks blog post by Briana Medina and Khamiah Alderman of Aurora Institute reviews Next Generation Learning Challenge’s The Portrait in Practice series, highlighting elements from each of the five district’s graduate portrait programs and their connection to competency-based education (CBE).
Three Truths for the Future of Education: A Call to Action
The Institute for the Future of Learning recognized the five sites from NGLC’s The Portrait in Practice series in this July 2023 white paper. The sites were highlighted because of their commitment to preparing their learners with the skills, knowledge, and habits of mind to thrive amidst an ever-changing world.
Resource Corner: Developing Portrait of a Graduate Skills from Elementary School to High School Graduation (and Beyond)
In their September 20, 2023 newsletter, Envision Learning Partners highlighted an article by NGLC's Kristen Vogt that takes a look at The Portrait in Practice across the grade spans with a shout out to Northern Cass elementary educator Megan Margerum:
"Kristen shares examples of schools across the country aligning instruction across K-12 to graduate profiles, including elementary and middle schools (you will be particularly impressed by Megan Margerum in North Dakota). We love the recognition that portraits of a graduate are, among other things, a journey map, and these journeys are most successful when they are seen not just as standalone endings, but part of a student’s experience in elementary and middle school as well."

The Portrait of a Graduate in Practice was developed by Next Generation Learning Challenges with funding provided by the Barr Foundation. NGLC extends our appreciation to Amanda Avallone and Stefanie Blouin for their contributions to this project.